DIY Removable Wallpaper

Target Removable Wallpaper

For the longest time, my office (or bloffice as I like to call it) has been the room we throw things in that don’t have a home. Leftover wedding decorations, Christmas presents, and all of the pictures I will someday get around to hanging in our house, live in this room. I decided a couple weekends ago to make it my dream closet/office, so I started with this DIY removable wallpaper from Target. I decided to only do one wall as an accent wall, since the room is pretty small, but I love it so much I may eventually end up doing the entire room. The great thing about this peel and stick paper is that if you decide later on that you don’t like it, just peel it off!


I am no expert at this! I’m actually not very good at it to be honest. If I wanted it to be perfect I would’ve lined up the print of the palms, but it made me crazy so I decided it didn’t bother me to not line it up. This is just the method that worked for me, and if you looked super close at the edges you may not want to take my advice. This isn’t extremely easy, but actually possible as opposed to hanging real wallpaper by yourself. 

What You'll Need:

Before you start, make sure you check the lot number on the back of the wallpaper packaging. It should be under the barcode. Make sure each roll you are going to use has the same lot number so that the colors always match, since they could differ from lot to lot. Target has so many options! I actually have done this once before with the accent wall in our foyer. 

I started from the right side of the wall and worked towards the left. First, I measured the wall from the top where it meets the molding to the bottom including the baseboard, then add about 3 inches to that so that you have extra length to work with. Lay out the paper on the floor and use your tape measure to measure it out. Use scissors to cut the paper to your measurements. 



removable wallpaper DIY

Measure Extra Length For Top & Bottom

Since it's nearly impossible to cut a perfectly straight line, (or at least it is for me) when you line up the paper with the top of the wall, leave extra paper at the top and crease it. That way, when the rest of the paper is hung, you can go back with your box cutter and straighten all the edges and make them even. Do the same thing at the bottom with the baseboard. It would also be smart to leave each piece hanging at the bottom and the top until the entire wall is finished across so you cut it evenly in one swoop with the box cutter. 

DIY removable wallpaper

Squeegee Saves The Day

I start at the top and pull the paper backing off of the wallpaper as I go, while using the squeegee to get out all of the bubbles. You may have to re-stick a couple of time to get it just right, but the squeegee is a game changer! Last time I did this I used a credit card, and it was so much more difficult.

Repeat the same steps for each wallpaper strip, working from top to bottom. Once you’ve done the entire wall, take your box cutter along the molding at the top and cut a line in the crease all the way across, then do the same thing where the bottom of the wall meets the baseboards. It may not be perfect, (my hand slipped a few times!) but if someone is close enough to comment on it then they’re too close. 

Windows and vents can be tricky. I did my best to cover them and then use my X-Acto Knife to cut out around the obstacles. Make sure yours is sharp or it won’t work well enough. Mine was pretty dull which is why my edges are kind of a mess up close! You can also use the scraps that are left over to go back in and clean up where you made mistakes. I wasn’t too worried about it because I knew my curtains would cover it for the most part. 

DIY removable wallpaper
This photo was taken before I went back in to fix my edges with scraps, and before I cut the extra off at the top.

I hope this quick how-to about DIY removable wallpaper is helpful! Feel free to message me with your questions–but don’t come after me if it didn’t work out, okay? Okay great! Good luck!

julia hartz